Artemisia Negra, LLC
Artemisia Negra is a black-queer ancestrally guided offering, highlighting the medicinal and spiritual benefits of working with mugwort. We make incenses, anointment oils, plant tinctures and other apothecary items infused with mugwort. We blend mugwort with healing hemp (CBD, CBG, & CBN) in the form of tinctures and smoke blends. Mugwort (L. artemisia vulgaris,) is a powerful plant ally that grows in abundance in the Hudson Valley and the World. Mugwort has an enticing healing scent, that when added with other magical plants, resins and roots, and presented as powdered incense, can be used as a beautiful tool, adding sensual pleasure to rituals, candles, meditations and smudging practices. Our anointments oils are potent alchemical plant blends to be worn as a protective plant medicine on the body. Artemisia Negra was created by Jaguar Mary X after a life-altering healing experience with mugwort. As an ancestrally-guided artist, they create items that hold deep intent for healing and visioning the beautiful world we are currently manifesting.